Grade 5/6

Frank Kelley

Frank Kelley

5/6 Grade Teacher


It’s a pleasure to share a few stories of how I, Frank Kelley, came to teach at CAES. Needless to say, it is the perfect spot for me. Great students, exciting community, numerous places to explore, and a school that wants to keep getting better and better.

I’ve been teaching for close to 30 years, working with students from all walks of life. My education comes from the University of Massachusetts, University of New Hampshire, and more than 10 other institutions. Each provided me with an opportunity to discover more about how young adolescents function and how to create meaningful learning experiences for them. The absolute joy of my work is that I continue to learn each and every day as well. Whether through writing activities, science experiments, historical investigations, problem solving in math, or reading another great DCF book, I get exposed to new ideas continuously. I am amazed at the high quality products the students create using the knowledge and skills we have shared.

I am fortunate to have a beautiful family. We enjoy walks and hikes together as often as possible. All winter, I teach adaptive skiing which brings me in contact with folks that have an immense drive to overcome obstacles. I also mountain bike once the snow is gone and will hopefully complete my fourth 50 mile mountain bike ride this fall.

Overall, CAES is a fine place to live, learn, and grow. It’s a pleasure to work here.

Jeremy Kelloway

Jeremy Kelloway

5/6 Grade Teacher


Mackenzie Ramsdell

5/6 Grade Teacher

Monica Schwartz

5/6 Teacher